Sailing at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Tornado class

at the Games of the XXV Olympiad

Venue Barcelona
Dates July 27 to August 4
Competitors 44 from 22 nations
Teams 22
    United States
«1988 1996»
Sailing at the
 1992 Summer Olympics 
Lechner A-390 Men Women
Europe Women
Finn Men
470 Men Women
Flying Dutchman Open
Tornado Open
Star Open
Soling Open



The Tornado Competitionat the 1992 Summer Olympicswas held from July 27 to August 4, 1992 in Barcelona, Spain. Points were awarded for placement in each race. The best six out of seven race scores did count for the final placement.

Helmsman (Country) Crew Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points
1  Yves Loday  (FRA) Nicolas Henard 7 13.0 1 0.0 3 5.7 3 5.7 10 16.0 7 13.0 2 3.0 56.4 40.4
2  Randy Smyth  (USA) Keith Notary 1 0.0 2 3.0 DSQ 29.0 8 14.0 1 0.0 4 8.0 11 17.0 71.0 42.0
3  Mitch Booth  (AUS) John Forbes 10 16.0 4 8.0 6 11.7 6 11.7 2 3.0 1 0.0 5 10.0 60.4 44.4
4  Rex Sellers  (NZL) Brian Douglas Jones 13 19.0 12 18.0 16 22.0 1 0.0 6 11.7 2 3.0 1 0.0 73.7 51.7
5  David Ross Sweeney  (CAN) Kevin Smith 4 8.0 9 15.0 2 3.0 9 15.0 3 5.7 10 16.0 DNC 29.0 91.7 62.7
6  Ron Van Teylingen  (NED) Paul Manuel 5 10.0 10 16.0 5 10.0 2 3.0 15 21.0 12 18.0 4 8.0 86.0 65.0
7  Andreas Hagara  (AUT) Roman Hagara 6 11.7 6 11.7 1 0.0 18 24.0 4 8.0 13 19.0 9 15.0 89.4 65.4
8  Lars Grael  (BRA) Clinio Freitas 11 17.0 7 13.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 8 14.0 9 15.0 6 11.7 86.7 69.7
9  Iouri Konovalov  (EUN) Serguei Kravtsov 8 14.0 5 10.0 8 14.0 10 16.0 5 10.0 15 21.0 13 19.0 104.0 83.0
10  David Alfred Williams  (GBR) Ian Alan Rhodes 12 18.0 PMS 29.0 7 13.0 12 18.0 7 13.0 8 14.0 8 14.0 119.0 90.0
11  Roland Gäbler  (GER) Frank Parlow 9 15.0 8 14.0 18 24.0 5 10.0 18 24.0 16 22.0 3 5.7 114.7 90.7
12  Carlos Santacreu  (ESP) J. L. Ballester Tultesa 18 24.0 3 5.7 12 18.0 17 23.0 17 23.0 3 5.7 15 21.0 120.4 96.4
13  Charles Favre  (SUI) Markus Bryner 14 20.0 19 25.0 10 16.0 16 22.0 13 19.0 5 10.0 7 13.0 125.0 100.0
14  Enrique Figueroa  (PUR) Oscar Mercado Blasini 17 23.0 11 17.0 9 15.0 7 13.0 14 20.0 11 17.0 12 18.0 123.0 100.0
15  Per Arne Nilsen  (NOR) Odd Ornulf Stray 15 21.0 18 24.0 11 17.0 15 21.0 12 18.0 6 11.7 10 16.0 128.7 104.7
16  Lars Hendriksen  (DEN) Anette Ree Andersen 2 3.0 15 21.0 17 23.0 14 20.0 11 17.0 17 23.0 18 24.0 131.0 107.0
17  Giorgio Zuccoli  (ITA) Angelo Glisoni 3 5.7 16 22.0 19 25.0 16 22.0 14 20.0 14 20.0 14 20.0 132.7 107.7
18  Goeran Marstroem  (SWE) Stefan Rahm 20 26.0 13 19.0 15 21.0 11 17.0 9 15.0 18 24.0 19 25.0 147.0 121.0
19  Kalevi Kostiainen  (FIN) Markku Juhani Kuismin 16 22.0 17 23.0 13 19.0 13 19.0 19 25.0 19 25.0 16 22.0 155.0 130.0
20  Reid E. Kempe  (BER) Jay W. Kempe 19 25.0 14 20.0 19 25.0 20 26.0 20 26.0 DNC 29.0 17 23.0 174.0 145.0
21  Eric Johnstone Cook  (RSA) Geoffrey L. Stevens 21 27.0 20 26.0 20 26.0 21 27.0 21 27.0 20 26.0 20 26.0 185.0 158.0
22  Jean Alphonse Braure  (ISV) Charles M. Shipway 22 28.0 21 27.0 21 27.0 22 28.0 22 28.0 21 27.0 21 27.0 192.0 164.0

DNF = Did Not Finish, DSQ = Disqualified, PMS = Premature Start
Crossed out results did not count for the total result.

= Male,  = Female

Daily standings


  1. ^ The 1988 Olympic scoring system was used.
  2. ^ Total after applying discard.
